Sunday 29 July 2012

Next Meeting 14 August 2012

In our club, the meetings follow this order:

Members and guests arrive, sign in to the guest book or member sheet, put on nametags, and are given ballots and agendas; members with assignments pick up their equipment as needed, and check in with the Toastmaster of the Day.
President or Sergeant-at-Arms opens the meeting
Announcements are made
Toastmaster (the "emcee") takes over the meeting, and gives the theme of the meeting
An educational piece, joke, or thought is shared by a member
The individuals performing evaluation tasks during the meeting (counting vocal pauses, timing the speeches, etc.) are introduced; they explain their duties, and the Ah-Counter/Grammarian reveals the Word of the Day and explains its use
The prepared speeches are given
The Table Topicsmaster takes over the meeting, and gives the theme for the Table Topics
The Table Topics session is held: members and guests will be invited to participate, but it's not required
Ballots are collected for the "Best Table Topic" and speeches
The evaluation portion of the meeting, conducted by the General Evaluator, begins.
The formal speeches are evaluated, one at a time
The Timer reports on how long each person took to speak
The Ah-Counter/Grammarian reports on verbal pauses, grammatical errors, and interesting use of language during the meeting, including use of the Word of the Day
Winners of the various awards of the day (including Best Speech and Best Table Topics Speaker) are presented their ribbons
The General Evaluator concludes this portion of the meeting by evaluating the entire meeting, overall
The Toastmaster closes the meeting
If you're curious, you can always come to any of our meetings: they're open to the public, you don't have to speak if you don't want to, and you don't have to join anything.
(Thanks to City of Columbus Toastmasters Club)

To request for a Role or Speaking slot go to this link

TME: Cyril Jonas
TTM: None
TTE: None

AH Counter:


Project Speakers:
  1. Shazana Shahabar, #3 CCM "To be Announced"
  2. Lena Lim, #3  CCM "To be Announced"
  3. Michelle Chin, #3 CCM "Of Green Grass and Round Moons"
  4. Yi Kang Lim, #4 CCM  "My Onsen experience"

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