Tuesday 22 November 2011

Record of meeting 22-11-11

Meeting started sharp at 19:30 as scheduled

19:30 SAA – Calls meeting to order Col Nik Zaki CL
19:32 8 President’s Welcome address:
Introduce Guests Richard Toh, TM
Introduce TME - Cyril Jonas CC, CL
Invocation Sandra Ghouse, CTM
Table Topics Anthony de Souza, TM
Joke/Game Master Anuja, TM
Table Topics Evaluation, Sandra Ghouse, CTM
SAA Reconvenes Meeting
TME takes over Cyril Jonas, CC, CL
Project Speeches:

1. Ismail Omar, ACS, ALS: Interpretive Reading #4, The Play
Title: 221B Baker Street.

General Evaluator takes over
GE - SK Ratnam, DTM
1. Evaluator #1 Lim Kah Soon
4. AH Counter: Richard Toh, TM
5. Grammarian: Shaun Kwong, ACB
6. Timer: Sidney Ng CC
7. GE Remarks

Two New Members Lena Lim and Hairul joined the Club tonight.
We welcome them to our Club.

We also welcome Asieh and Keith as visitors to the Club.

Good Night by President Richard Toh, TM

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