Sunday 13 November 2016

Next Meeting 28th November 2016

It's almost curtain call for 2016. Time of the year again to mourn your losses, what-ifs, near misses or lament about one who got away.

Of course the mood doesn't have to be this somber, because why cried over split milk when you can buy a new one?

You can still indulge in the current moment, count you blessings, celebrate your successes, express your gratitude for loved ones or reminisce on all your efforts to make the world a better place than it was in 2015.

Newly minted CC, Nik Ayman will take control of the meeting on 22th November 2016, Tuesday, 7p.m onwards.

Come celebrate with us, for the 1st timer, who knows your 1st meeting at TMIKL would be your destiny for a changed life!


Edward said...

I thought LYK (Leong Yoke Kow) died long ago, it's spilt milk not split milk

Edward said...

Oh BTW Yikang The meeting is 22nd not 28th November

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