Wednesday 23 May 2012

Report on Tuesday 12-6-2012 Meeting

The Meeting held on Tuesday evening 12th June 2012 from 19:00 at the Bankers Club Library Floor 22 AMODA Jalan Imbi Kuala Lumpur was an historic occasion as there were 8 speeches presented of which 5 were Icebreaker speeches by our new members.

TME: Sandra Ghouse, CTM

Speeches by:

  1. Shaun Goh #1
  2. Shazana #1
  3. Daniel #1
  4. Lau Yee Sheen #1
  5. Ken Soo #1
  6. Lena Lim #2
  7. Lim Yi Kang #3 (What Our Paremts Never Told Us)
  8. Ismail Omar Specialty Speech #3 (Learn a new language)
We were honoured with presence of the Division P Governor DTM Mandy Ong and the Area P1 Governor DTM Geoff Andrew. They came to congratulate our Club on achieving the Distinguished Club Status.

The President and VP-Education assured them that we may still outdo ourselves with the Select Distinguished Club Status before the session is out in just over 2 weeks.

Friday 18 May 2012

Meeting of 22-5-2012

Agenda for Meeting on 22-5-12

SAA: Colonel Nik M Zaki, CC CL
President: Richard Toh TM
TME: Anthony de Souza TM
Invocation: Ismail Omar, ACS ALS
Table Topics: Lena Lim TM
Table Topics Evaluator: Colonel Nik M Zaki, CC CL
Project Speeches:
Mary Lourdes #6 (Evaluator: Sandra CTM)
Cyril Jonas CC, CL Advanced Speech (Evaluator: Sidney Ng CC)

AGM: Conducted by President Richard Toh

Results of the Election for the new Club Officers:

2012-2013 Session (from 1st July 2012):

Sandra Ghouse CTM 
Anthony de Souza 
Mary Lourdes 
Shazana M Shahabar
Lena Lim 
Yi Kang Lim
Shaun Goh

Icebreaker January 2020

I was born at the start of the Second World War in a small village in Malaya across the Gulf of Thailand from Viet Nam. We lived in a bamb...